There are many websites based on the famed Myers-Briggs sixteen personality types, which can be fun and illuminating.
Author Archives: Carlen
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
A book about how to reorient the way we view and treat introverts.
The Monthly Bulletin: January 2024
The Non-fiction Feature: Quiet by Susan Cain
The Children’s Spot: Ava and Pip by Carol Weston;
The Product Spot: Personality tests
The Monthly Bulletin: December 2023
a list of all the books reviewed in 2023
(and my super pithy take on them)
Chevy in the Hole
An uncommon romance that illuminates the warmth of human relationships, with the Flint water crisis looming in the background.
The Monthly Bulletin: November 2023
The Non-fiction Feature: What the Eyes Don’t See by Mona Hanna-Attisha;
The Fiction Spot: Chevy in the Hole by Kelsey Ronan;
The Product Spot: NRDC’s Guide to Safe Drinking Water
What the Eyes Don’t See
The story of the doctor who shed light on the Flint water crisis and revealed the government’s abandonment of civic responsibility.
NRDC Guide to Safe Drinking Water
NRDC’s guide to safe drinking water discusses not only the possibility of lead in water but also PFAS (“forever chemicals”), atrazine, pathogens, nitrates, arsenic, and more. It also addresses what to do if you believe your water violates federal standards, and other questions about your drinking water.
The Monthly Bulletin: October 2023
The Non-fiction Feature: The Witches by Stacy Schiff;
The Children’s Spot: The Witches by Roald Dahl;
The Product Spot: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the classic supernatural TV drama–chock full of vampires, witches, demons, magic, spells, and all other sorts of mysticism.