—The innumerable upsides of introversion and how it benefits our lives—
The Non-fiction Feature
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
Author: Susan Cain
Publisher: Crown Publish Group
Pages: 368 | 2013

It turned out that the introverts who were especially good at acting like extroverts tended to score high for a trait that psychologists call “self-monitoring.” Self-monitors are highly skilled at modifying their behavior to the social demands of a situation.”

The Children’s Spot
Ava and Pip
by Carol Weston
“Pip is twelve–for one more month. She talks at home, but at school, she is extremely shy. Pip was a preemie, which means she was born early…When Pip was little, they worried about her a lot. To tell you the truth, they still worry about her a lot. They also pay way more attention to her than to me. I try not to let it bother me…but it kind of does.

The Product Spot
Personality tests
There are many websites based on the famed Myers-Briggs personality types. That is, the websites ask you a slew of questions about yourself to determine things such as: do you direct and receive energy via extraversion (E) or introversion (I)? Do you take in information with sensing (S) or intuition (N); and do you conclude things by thinking (T) or feeling (F)? Last, do you approach the outside world through judging (J) or perceiving (P)?