The Weekly Bulletin: December 2, 2021

—A transnational view of Asians in the Americas: their griefs and triumphs & the vastness of their remarkable experiences—

The Non-fiction Feature

The Making of Asian America: A History

Author: Erika Lee
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Pages: 519 | 2015

making asian america

With its roots in WWII and the Cold War, the Asian American model minority stereotype gained even more traction in American public discourse during the 1980s…The perceived educational and socioeconomic successes of Asian Americans are also still used to compare them to other racial minorities, especially African Americans.

minor feelings cathy park hong
The Memoir & Poetry Spot
Minor Feelings
by Cathy Park Hong

“Watching a parent being debased like a child is the deepest shame. I cannot count the number of times I have seen my parents condescended to or mocked by white adults. This was so customary that when my mother had any encounter with a white adult, I was always hyper-vigilant, ready to mediate or pull her away. To grow up Asian in America is to witness the humiliation of authority figures like your parents and to learn not to depend on them: they cannot protect you.”


The Product Spot

If you haven’t eaten mooncakes before, well, I’m very sorry for you. If you have eaten mooncakes before, well, you know why they’re featured.