Winix Air Purifier

The Product Spot

A snapshot review of a useful product!

Also in this Weekly Bulletin:
The Non-fiction Feature: The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris
The Fiction Spot: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

The Pithy Take

Let me tell you about my allergies. From the first thaw of spring until the last, gasping breaths of fall, I have allergies. Sometimes I’m up for an hour or two at night because of allergies and the rest of the day my nose is a bulbous gnome dripping into thirty tissues. Also, I’m grumpy.
19th century medicine, as described in The Butchering Art, maintained that horrifying diseases were caused by miasmas, a.k.a. bad air. Well, we now know that things like gangrene are not transmitted through the air, but allergens sure are. Last fall, my partner suggested that we buy the Winix Air Purifier; I would run it for about two hours before bed (low setting, very quiet) and, magically, I slept through the night every day of the week.