El Faro – Latin America’s first native internet newspaper

The Product Spot

A snapshot review of a useful product!

Also in this Monthly Bulletin:
The Non-fiction Feature: The Beast by Oscar Martinez
The Children’s Spot: Mama’s Nightingale by Edwidge Danticat

The Pithy Take

ElFaro.net is Latin America’s first online digital newspaper, and Francisco Goldman (a novelist who writes the foreword in The Beast) lauds it as “a beacon of the possible, of the ambitious, of the truly revolutionary, to young journalists up and down the continent.”

It is based in El Salvador and was founded in 1998, and is an alternative to some of El Salvador’s more normal newspapers (that tend to be complicit with the political and wealthy establishment). The writers are bold enough to write about what nobody else dares, capturing gruesome secrets, and doing in-depth research for their stories–they are telling stories that are ubiquitous, but rarely reported.