—The psychology of racial identity and its wide-ranging impact on children—
The Non-fiction Feature
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations about Race
Author: Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD
Publisher: Basic Books
Pages: 464 | 2017 (20th edition)

When we claim to be free of prejudice (a preconceived opinion usually based on limited information) perhaps what we are really saying is that we are not hatemongers, but none of us is completely innocent because prejudice is an integral part of our socialization and it’s not our fault.

The Memoir & Poetry Spot
Heavy: An American Memoir by Kiese Laymon
“Ain’t nothing in the world worse than looking at your children drowning, knowing ain’t nothing you can do because you scared that if you get to trying to save them, they might see that you can’t swim either. But I am okay. You hear me?”

The Product Spot
Kiwico: STEM, STEAM & Science Kits for Kids
Your kid will learn about science. You will learn about peace and quiet. It’s the best science-craft-kit-for-children-of-all-ages subscription available.