The Weekly Bulletin: January 27, 2022

—The future of climate activism, and how to turn fury into action—

The Non-fiction Feature

How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire

Author: Andreas Malm
Publisher: Verso
Pages: 200 | 2020


The weather is already political, but it is political from one side only, blowing off the steam built up by the enemy, who is not made to feel the heat or take the blame.

The Children’s Spot
We Are Water Protectors
by Carole Lindstrom

My people talk of a black snake that will destroy the land.
Spoil the water.
Poison plants and animals.
Wreck everything in its path.


The Product Spot
Patagonia’s Worn Wear Program

Patagonia’s Worn Wear program will repair your old Patagonia clothes; you can also trade your clothes for credit. Saving Earth one pair of wool hiking socks at a time.