To those who believe we all should pay our fair share of taxes, discovering the intricacies of the plans the uber-wealthy use (which correlate with how desperately they want to evade taxes, thus placing the burden on everyone else) will be infuriating.
Author Archives: Carlen
The Monthly Bulletin: May 2022
The Non-fiction Feature: The Zookeepers’ War;
The Children’s Spot: Breaking Stalin’s Nose;
The Product Spot: Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, you can discover a zoo or aquarium near you! You can also learn about their scientific advisory groups, animal management strategies, and many conservation efforts.
Breaking Stalin’s Nose
In Breaking Stalin’s Nose, young Sasha Zaichik’s heart bursts with pride as he hopes to join the Soviet Young Pioneers, but his life soon unravels when his father is arrested.
The Zookeepers’ War: An Incredible True Story from the Cold War
Two zoos, one in West Berlin and the other in East Berlin, mere miles apart and separated by the Berlin Wall, wrestle with each other at the apex of their popularity.
The Monthly Bulletin: April 2022
The Non-fiction Feature: An American Sickness;
The Memoir & Poetry Spot: Something for the Pain;
The Product Spot: Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs Company.
Something for the Pain: One Doctor’s Account of Life and Death in the ER
Paul Austin is an ER doctor, and he pries open the night shift for the world to examine: the drunks, the weeping, the car accidents, the miscarriages, the utterly consuming exhaustion of taking care of people at 2:30am.
Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drugs Company
Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus Drug Company expands access to safe, affordable medicines by cutting out the pharmacy middlemen.
An American Sickness
Unsettling and cruel tactics that actors in the healthcare industry use to profit lucratively off patients, and how to resist.
Jack Black lotion
Jack Black lotion (not associated with the actor) is what lumberjacks use in the dead of winter in a rickety barn after felling trees and lugging wagons. It works well and, thankfully, isn’t too greasy.