pith-y / piTHē:
concise and forcefully expressive
Pithy Summary listed on
Reedsy’s Best Non-Fiction Book Review Blogs of 2022 and 2023
& Kindlepreneur’s “Ultimate List of the Best Book Review Blogs”
Reading non-fiction books is one of the best ways to learn about the unfamiliar, especially for a society steeped in specialization, but many people don’t have time to read or don’t know where to begin—it can be daunting!
Pithy Summary, a free book summary website/blog, lifts that burden by providing:
– An informative outline of a non-fiction book that encourages critical consciousness and intelligent imagination—it presents some of the book’s outstanding points, what remains to be covered, and my take;
– A short rec for a related fiction/memoir/poetry/children’s book; and
– A short rec for a related product.
Scroll down to sign up for the Monthly Bulletin—an email notifying you of a new outline—it also includes exclusive quotes from the Non-fiction Feature and the related book.
I’m Carlen Zhang-D’Souza (pronounced car-leen), an attorney, University of Michigan English major & law graduate, and mother. I like Pocky, Google doodles, blueberry cheesecake ice cream, and being outside. Reading non-fiction has made me realize how much I have to learn about everything, and I hope you’ll join me in this exploration.
Pronouns: she/her