The Weekly Bulletin: November 25, 2021

—The rapidly changing energy landscape, the realities of global warming, and what we can do about it—

The Non-fiction Feature

Energy for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines

Author: Richard Muller
Publisher: W. W. Norton
Pages: 368 | 2012


To understand energy security, you must appreciate the enormity of our energy ‘flow’—the amount we use every day or every year…
Coal: 18 pounds per day per person;
Oil: 16 pounds per day per person;
Natural gas: 10 pounds per day per person…
Generating this much power takes about 300 tons of fossil fuel every second.

baby science library
The Children’s Spot
My First Science Library for Babies
by Chris Ferrie

“This is a magnet. It has a north pole and a south pole. It creates a magnetic field. Other magnets want to line up with it…Magnetic fields cause positive charges to circle counter-clockwise. Negative charges circle clockwise…Negative charges moving together create an electric current. This current creates a new magnetic field! Now you know ELECTROMAGNETISM!”

The Product SpotBee's Wrap

The Product Spot
Bee’s Wrap

A sustainable, reusable, beeswax wrap for chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, gingerbread cookies, peanut butter cookies, molasses cookies, kiss cookies, snowball cookies, thumbprint cookies, fortunecookies, and if you eat anything other than cookies, this wrap is for that food, too.