—The evolution of the U.S. media, and how it became the force it is today—
The Non-fiction Feature
The Creation of the Media: Political Origins of Modern Communications
Author: Paul Starr
Publisher: Basic Books
Pages: 496 | 2005
Under this extraordinary arrangement, the federal government as well as the state of New York, the leading center of the publishing industry, turned over primary responsibility for the enforcement of moral censorship to [Anthony Comstock], employed by an elite private society composed exclusively of Christian men.
The Memoir & Poetry Spot
Me and The Times
by Robert Stock
“My editing experience with Times reporters too often followed a predictable sequence: I would send an edited version of the story to the reporter, followed by a phone call or a sit-down at my desk.
We would go through the piece, with the reporter challenging each change. I would explain my reasoning.
There would be a pause while the reporter considered the matter, followed by an expression of surprise, sometimes disbelief, as he or she grudgingly acknowledged that a change was warranted.”
The Product Spot
News Literacy Project
The News Literacy Project provides resources for the general public and educators to help them learn how to identify credible information.