The Monthly Bulletin: March 2023

—In the Middle Ages, surprising and unsurprising ways people perceived their bodies—

The Non-fiction Feature

Medieval Bodies: Life and Death in the Middle Ages

Author: Jack Hartnell
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company
Pages: 352 | 2019

For they remind us that there must have been countless social customs of signs and symbols once alive in the Middle Ages, entire sophisticated gestural dialects that have since completely vanished.

The Fiction SpotThe Orderby John-Patrick Bayle
The Fiction Spot
The Order
by John-Patrick Bayle

“The Church was never meant to be a nation lead by a king — swollen with its own self-righteousness and infected by political ambition.”

The Product SpotThe History Channel - Middle Ages

The Product Spot
The History Channel – Middle Ages

The History Channel’s Middle Ages section provides a rich resource for information ranging from the Knights Templar, Charlemagne, the Crusades, Joan of Arc, and more.